Reforms, France-Germany Summit, labor market, Brexit, Great Repeal Bill, employment and social, sustainable finance, summer shutdown…
Reforms: The finance ministers adopt the recommendations about reforms by states
On July, the 11th, European ministers officially adopted their 2017 recommendations onto economic, financial and employment policies of the state members. France needs to 1) reduce its public expense, 2) diminish its labor cost, 3) improve job access for the job searchers, through a renewal of education systems and the minimum wage, and 4) simplify and reduce administrative contributions for the businesses.
France-Germany Summit: The MEDEF and its German counterparts consulted
The roadmap for the French and German finance ministers asks that employers’ organizations set up common task forces. The goal is to propose priority measures for reinforcing economic and social cooperation between the two countries.
Labor market: a joint French German group for social partners
Among its conclusions, the Governmental France-Germany summit of July, the 13th, require that a diagnosis on tomorrow labor realities be presented through a common working group, in conjunction with the social partners. The goal is to make proposals for a better security of professional journeys and fluidity of the labor market.
Brexit negotiations enter their second round
European union and the United Kingdom have started their 2nd round of negotiations on July the 17th. Three negotiation groups will be dedicated to citizen’s rights, financial settlement and other separation-related questions. Two coordinators meetings are also planned to deal with Northern Ireland and the governance of the withdrawal agreement.
British government publishes its Great Repeal Bill
On July, the 13th, British government published its statements on nuclear cooperation, ongoing legal European procedures about United Kingdom and Europeans officers who live across the Channel. The Great Repeal Bill, that will ensure all the Union Law will be included into national British Law, is also published online. This text is already disputed by the opposition and some decentralized administrations.
2017 report on Employment evolution and social situation in Europe
On July, the 17th, the commission published its annual report on Employment evolution and social situation. The report confirms the positive tendencies on the labor market and the solidity of economic growth: the employment rate has never been so high than today, and unemployment is at its lowest level since December 2008. Since 2013, 10 million jobs have been created. However, data show that a particularly high debt weighs in on young generations.
Publication of the first recommendations for sustainable finance
On July, the 13th, the high-level task-force of experts dedicated to sustainable finance released its first recommendations. Among them appear: a classification system for sustainable assets, European label and standard for green bonds, the inclusion of sustainable development into fiduciary duty, a wider transparency for financial institutions and businesses on the way they take on sustainability, and a sustainability criteria for financial law.
Summer shutdown of Europeans institutions
European parliament will be closed on July, the 24th. Parliamentary committees will restart on August, the 28th. At the European Council, the meetings will be interrupted between August the 1st and the 29th. At the Commission, the College of Commissioners will meet on July, the 26th. A working session is planned on August, the 31st. Restart on September the 6th with a debate on trade policy, migratory agenda and Security Union.